Russian research on the role of visceral reflexes in coronary insufficiency is reviewed. The background for recent studies mainly by I. E. Ganelina, is previous work by Russian authors on the role of the automatic nervous system in the development of myocardial infarction and coronary insufficiency. Ganelina produced in rabbits, cats, dogs and monkeys S-T depression, T wave inversion, and P-R interval prolongation by mechanical and chemical stimulation of intestinal loops which could be prevented by local novocaine or procaine application to the intestinal loops, or by denervation. The ecg changes were considerably more frequent and more pronounced in animals with experimental cardiac pathology. Changes of the ecg were obtained in patients with coronary artery disease and in patients with gastrointestinal disease after oral ingestion of mustard. Analysis of a large clinical material confirms the concept of a causal relationship between gastrointestinal symptoms and coronary insufficiency or myocardial infarction.