Homogeneous and inhomogeneous linewidths ofEu3+in disordered crystalline systems

The role of disorder on the inhomogeneous and homogeneous linewidths of Eu3+ in single crystals with various degrees of disorder is described for samples grown by LHPG (laser-heated pedestal growth). Emission spectra, hole-burning spectra, and results of the two-pulse photon echo are reported for Y2x Scx O3 (x=0.04,0.3,1) and YSZ (yttria-stabilized zirconia). For the Y2x Scx O3 system, the inhomogeneous linewidths increase with x while the homogeneous linewidths are nearly independent of x. Dynamics associated with low-frequency excitations observed previously in x=0 LHPG samples are nearly absent for x>0. However, both the static and dynamic properties of YSZ show behavior which is characteristic of amorphous systems like silicate glass.