Complementation analysis of glnA-linked mutations which affect nitrogen fixation in Klebsiella pneumoniae

A number of mutants have been isolated which affect regulation of the nitrogen fixation (nif) gene cluster in Klebsiella pneumoniae and all of which are linked to glnA, the structural gene for glutamine synthetase (G.S.). These mutants were classified on the basis of their G.S. and nitrogenase activities in conditions of nitrogen limitation and excess. The plasmid R68.45 was then used to generate a number of R-primes carrying the glnA region of the K. pneumoniae chromosome. One of these R-primes (pGE10) was subsequently used in complementation analysis and by isolation of transposon-induced insertion mutations in pGE10 we have demonstrated the existence of a gene, glnG, closely linked to glnA. Mutations in glnG have a similar phenotype to glnG mutants described in Escherichia coli (Pahel and Tyler 1979) and Salmonella typhimurium (Kustu et al. 1979) in that they substantially reduce G.S. activity but are not glutamine auxotrophs. GlnG mutants have very low nitrogenase activity indicating that the glnG product may be involved in regulation of the nif gene cluster in K. pneumoniae.