The urinary bladder of adult female guinea-pigs was stained histochemically to detect the presence of intramural ganglion neurons. Counts on wholemount preparations of entire bladders revealed the presence of 2000–2500 neurons per bladder, either as individual nerve cells or, more often, as ganglia containing up to 40 neurons. Both ganglia and single neurons lie along nerve trunks and are interconnected to form a plexus. Ganglia occur in every part of the bladder; they are more numerous on the dorsal than on the ventral wall, and they are especially abundant in an area within a radius of 800 μm from the point of entry into the bladder wall of ureters and urinary arteries. The ganglia are located inside the muscle coat and close to muscle bundles; they usually lie nearer the mucosa than the serosa. Ultrastructurally, each ganglion is surrounded by a capsule; in addition to neurons and glial cells, the ganglia contain capillaries, collagen fibrils and fibroblasts; ganglion neurons are individually wrapped by glial cells and are separated from one another by connective tissue.