Changes in Concentration of Enzymes in Pancreatic Juice After Giving Insulin.

Fasting, chronic fistula dogs were given secretin by continuous intraven. injn. and, after a control period, were given insulin intravenously in doses ranging from 7.5 to 20 units (total dose). Blood sugars fell to between 30 and 40 mg./l()0 ml. Sp. gr-., total N and tryptic activity of the juice before and after giving insulin were compared. Sp. gr. and total N increased in every instance during insulin-induced hypoglycemia. In all but 2 detns. tryptic activity increased with increase in total N. Rate of secretion was generally unaffected but fell in a few instances during hypoglycemia. These results were opposite to those obtained by others in anesthetized animals. Hypoglycemia had both excitatory and inhibitory effects on the secretory innervation of the pancreas but the excitatory effect predominated in the unanesthetized dog.

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