A replication map of a 61-kb circular derivative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III.

Using two-dimensional agarose gel electrophoresis, we determined the replication map of a 61-kb circular derivative of Saccharomyces cerevisiae chromosome III. The three sites of DNA replication initiation on the ring chromosome are specific and coincide with ARS elements. The three origins are active to different degrees; two are used > 90% of the time, whereas the third is used only 10-20% of the time. The specificity of these origins is shown by the fact that only ARS elements were competent for origin function, and deletion of one of the ARS elements removed the corresponding replication origin. The activity of the least active origin was not increased by deletion of the nearby highly active origin, demonstrating that the highly active origin does not repress function of the relatively inactive origin. Replication termination on the ring chromosome does not occur at specific sites but rather occurs over stretches of DNA ranging from 3 to 10 kb. A new region of termination was created by altering the sites of initiation. The position of the new termination site indicates that termination is not controlled by specific cis-acting DNA sequences, but rather that replication termination is determined primarily by the positions at which replication initiates. In addition, two sites on the ring chromosome were found to slow the progression of replication forks through the molecule: one is at the centromere and one at the 3' end of a yeast transposable element.