Gel Permeation Chromatography with Organic Solvents

Fractionation of polymers either as a means of determining molecular-weight distributions for the characterization of polymers or the preparation of fractions with defined molecular-weight distributions, for subsequent physical and chemical testing, is a valuable and widely used technique. There are many ways of performing fractionations and of measuring molecular-weight distributions; see, for example, the forthcoming book Polymer Fractionation [1]. Gel permeation chromatography is the newest of the fractionation methods and has already found widespread applications; see, for example, the forthcoming review by Altgelt and Moore [2]. Because of its speed and high resolving power and the possibility of a high degree of automation gel permeation chromatography is the most promising current technique for the fractionation of polymers on an analytical scale and, probably, on a preparative scale.