Characteristics of JMV Marek's Disease Tumor: A Nonproductively Infected Transplantable Cell Lacking in Rescuable Virus2

Cells of the JMV Marek's disease (MD) tumor, originally produced by rapid serial passage of MD lymphoma cells in chickens, were characterized to determine whether they were of host or donor origin and to ascertain certain virus-host cell interrelationships. Differences noted in blood group B surface alloantigens between tumor cells and host lymphocytes indicated a probable nonhost origin (i.e., transplantabilily) of the tumor. JMV spleen tumors contained predominantly large lymphoblasts bearing MD tumor-associated surface antigen. DNA from JMV tumor cell suspensions hybridized significantly with MD virus cRNA, which indicated that JMV cells contained at least a portion of the MD virus genome. No MD virus was rescued from JMV tumors by techniques suitable for rescue of virus from MD lymphomas. The JMV tumor cells were also devoid of MD virus-specific antigens. These properties differed markedly from those of MD lymphoma cells and make the JMV tumor cell a unique, potentially valuable, tool for further study of oncogenic herpesvirus Infection and tumor immunity in the chicken.