Thermodynamic properties ofS=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains as Haldane systems

Thermodynamic properties of S=1 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg chains with free and periodic boundaries are investigated by a quantum Monte Carlo method. In particular, temperature dependences of the specific heat, the magnetic susceptibility, and the hidden order parameter, which are inherent to the Haldane phase, are investigated. The specific heat turns out to have a peak at a temperature Tpeak∼2Δ, where Δ is the energy gap of the present model, although the temperature dependence of the specific heat is very similar to the Schottky type. In open chains, due to the fourfold degeneracy of the ground state, the magnetic susceptibility shows a Curie-like divergence regardless of the number of spins in the chain. The amplitude of the Curie-like divergence is consistent with the edge moments (S=1/2). On the other hand, it is confirmed that the long-range hidden order exists only in the ground state. How the hidden order grows as the temperature goes to zero (T→0) is investigated by introducing an intrinsic correlation length ξD of the ordering, which diverges as T→0. A qualitative difference in fluctuations between the ground state and the finite-temperature states is discussed making use of snapshots of the transformed two-dimensional Ising system on which a Monte Carlo simulation is being performed.