Radiative Rydberg-atom–Rydberg-atom collisions in the strong-field regime

We describe the experimental observation of the resonant collisional energy transfer Na(ns)+Na(ns)+qhν→Na(np)+Na[(n-1)p]+(q○)hν which occurs when the Na atoms in a strong microwave field are tuned in energy with a static field so that the energy resonance Ens+Ens=Enp+En1,p±mhν occurs. We describe our experimental observations and provide a detailed description of a nonperturbative theory which we have developed to explain our observations. The theory is essentially developed in terms of the resonant dipole-dipole collisions between ‘‘microwave dressed’’ atoms. Using an extension of the approach we used previously to describe resonant dipole-dipole collisions in the absence of microwaves, we are able to take into account all the coherences in the problem in a completely straightforward way.

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