Regression of Columnar Esophageal (Barrett's) Epithelium after Anti-Reflux Surgery

Columnar esophageal (Barrett's) epithelium is thought to be a reparative or metaplastic response to gastroesophageal reflux.1 2 3 This epithelium has been associated with dysplasia and adenocarcinoma in situ4 , 5 and with frank adenocarcinoma.6 , 7 There is evidence in individual patients that prolonged severe reflux leads to orad progression of the columnar epithelium,1 , 8 but the effect of surgical correction of reflux on the epithelium is less certain. Two studies suggest that columnar epithelium tends to persist after anti-reflux surgery.9 , 10 We obtained multiple localized suction-biopsy specimens from 10 patients in whom reflux had been surgically treated and preoperative studies had revealed columnar epithelium. The reflux . . .