Ribosomal Heterogeneity from Chromatin Diminution in Ascaris lumbricoides

The genome of Ascaris lumbricoides encodes both germline- and soma-specific proteins homologous to the eukaryotic small ribosomal protein (Rp) S19. The two Ascaris homologs differ by 24 amino acid substitutions and are both components of the small ribosomal subunits. In oocytes, the germline RpS19 homolog (RpS19G) predominates. During chromatin diminution, however, the gene is eliminated from all presomatic cells, and RpS19G is replaced by the product of the somatic gene (RpS19S). Chromatin diminution in A. lumbricoides causes a change in the protein composition of ribosomes during development and represents an alternative means of gene regulation.