Level Structure ofZr88Studied with theZr90(p,t)Reaction

The Zr90(p,t) reaction has been used to investigate the level structure of Zr88. The experiment was performed with 31-MeV protons from the Oak Ridge Isochronous Cyclotron. The tritons were analyzed with a broad-range magnetic spectrograph, and the over-all energy resolution was of the order of 20 keV. Angular distributions were obtained and spin-parity assignments were made on the basis of comparison with distorted-wave calculations. Levels in Zr88 up to about 3.5 MeV in excitation have been analyzed. Comparisons are made with previously reported γ-ray energies. Spectroscopic factors extracted from the distorted-wave analysis have been obtained, and provide information on the shell-model structure of the observed levels.