Investigation of the NiLIII band at various excitation voltages and the use of Ni and Ti thin films in the path of the NiLII,III and TiLII,III radiation, has shown that with proper electrode geometry and using target voltages of about 4 kv the effect of self absorption on emission edge shift and band shape is negligible for these elements. However, the LII/LIII intensity ratio of titanium is strongly effected by self absorption, but it is not effected for nickel and iron by self absorption.A survey of several investigators’ soft x-ray band spectra from alloys and conducting compounds showed that the observed band changes were related to the electronegativity difference of the combining elements or the ionic character of the band. Peaks appearing on the low energy side of transition metal bands when combined with 2nd period elements appear to be a cross transition between the 2s or 2p band of the non-metal and inner level of the metal.