String Solitons
- 22 December 1994
We review the status of solitons in superstring theory, with a view to understanding the strong coupling regime. These {\it solitonic} solutions are non-singular field configurations which solve the empty-space low-energy field equations (generalized, whenever possible, to all orders in $\alpha'$), carry a non-vanishing topological "magnetic" charge and are stabilized by a topological conservation law. They are compared and contrasted with the {\it elementary} solutions which are singular solutions of the field equations with a $\sigma$-model source term and carry a non-vanishing Noether "electric" charge. In both cases, the solutions of most interest are those which preserve half the spacetime supersymmetries and saturate a Bogomol'nyi bound. They typically arise as the extreme mass=charge limit of more general two-parameter solutions with event horizons. We also describe the theory {\it dual} to the fundamental string for which the roles of elementary and soliton solutions are interchanged. In ten spacetime dimensions, this dual theory is a superfivebrane and this gives rise to a string/fivebrane duality conjecture according to which the fivebrane may be regarded as fundamental in its own right, with the strongly coupled string corresponding to the weakly coupled fivebrane and vice-versa. After compactification to four spacetime dimensions, the fivebrane appears as a magnetic monopole or a dual string according as it wraps around five or four of the compactified dimensions. This gives rise to a four-dimensional string/string duality conjecture which subsumes a Montonen-Olive type duality in that the magnetic monopoles of the fundamental string correspond to the electric winding states of the dual string. This leads to a {\it duality of dualities} whereby under string/string duality the the strong/weak coupling $S$-duality trades places with the minimum/maximum length $T$-duality. Since these magnetic monopoles are extreme black holes, a prediction of $S$-duality is that the corresponding electric massive states of the fundamental string are also extreme black holes.All Related Versions
- Version 1, 1994-12-22, ArXiv
- Published version: Physics Reports, 259 (4-5), 213.