Bonding of fluorine in amorphous hydrogenated silicon

The infrared spectra of amorphous fluorinated silicon samples (a-Si: F,H) have been measured. The following lines were identified (in addition to the hydrogen-induced bands at 2090, 1985, 890, 840, and 630 cm1): 1010 cm1 (Si-F4 stretching); 930 cm1 (Si-F2, Si-F3 stretching); 828 cm1 (Si-F stretching); 510 cm1 (Si TO mode induced by F); 380 cm1 (SiF4 bond bending); 300 cm1 (Si-F, Si-F2 wagging). The intensities of these bands were measured as a function of preparation condition and annealing temperature. In addition to the SiF4 molecules trapped in the films during preparation, annealing temperatures above 300 °C produced a transformation of some Si—F groups into SiF4 molecules. Gas-evolution experiments show that fluorine-containing molecules (F, HF, SiF4) evolve all in one sharp peak around 680°C, near the crystallization point. An average cross section Γ¯ for Si-F vibrations of 11.2 cm2/mmol and bond was obtained in good agreement with similar values in gaseous and solid SiF4.