Magnetic moment of atomic lithium

Bound-state relativistic contributions to the gJ factor of ground-state atomic lithium are calculated and compared with the experimental value gJ(Li)ge=1(8.9±0.4)×106, where ge is the free-electron g factor. This comparison is taken as the basis for judging the accuracy of several different Li wave functions taken from the literature. Most of these wave functions give agreement with the experimental value within the experimental uncertainty. A more precise experimental measurement would be desirable in order to provide a more stringent test. A wave function of the restricted Hartree-Fock type, however, leads to a value which is in disagreement with the experimental value. This is attributed to the inability of the restricted Hartree-Fock function to account for the exchange polarization of the 1s2 core electrons; the latter are found to contribute about -1.2 × 106 to gJ(Li)ge, or about 13% of the total relativistic correction. In addition to the dominant relativistic corrections of order α2, radiative corrections (order α3), and nuclear-mass corrections (order α2mM) are also calculated. An isotopic shift gJ(Li6)gJ(Li7)=1+3.0×1011 is predicted. The experimental measurements for Li are not yet precise enough to test these higher-order corrections.