Activation of Neurospora Ascospores by Organic Solvents and Furans

SUMMARY Ten furans have been shown to activate ascospores of Neurospora tetrasperma. Of the compounds tested in these experiments, furfuraldehyde diacetate and 2-furfuryl n-butyrate were most active. In addition, aliphatic alcohols, ketones, and esters were effective when amounts greater than 1 M were used. These compounds were toxic when used in too high concentrations, or when kept in contact with ascospores for protracted periods of time. Age was shown to influence the response to chemicals in that freshly harvested spores germinated only poorly in their presence, except when pre-treated at 46°. By contrast, a larger percentage of older spores germinated in the presence of chemicals without such treatment. Moreover, spores that were four years old could be activated at lower temperatures than those required by more recently harvested ones. These results suggest that there are at least two classes of chemical activators, including heterocyclics active in very low concentrations and aliphatic non-polar compounds which are effective in concentrations greater than 1 M.