Mature Purkinje cells in cerebellar tissue cultures: An ultrastructural study

Mature Purkinje cells in mouse cerebellar tissue cultures were morphologically analyzed by electron microscopy. Explants maintained for 19 to 31 days in vitro contained Purkinje cells that were similar in most respects to those described in vivo except for incomplete arborization of the dendritic trees. Typical features included (1) absence of Purkinje cell perisomatic spines; (2) a paucity of naked Purkinje cell dendritic spines; (3) a 1:1 relationship of Purkinje cell dendritic spines to parallel fiber terminals; and (4) almost complete astroglial investment of Purkinje cell somata and dendrites. Minimal extracellular space was present in the neuropil of the explants and unusual synapses involving Purkinje cells were absent. Atypical features described by some investigators may be a function of retarded development in suboptimal culture conditions and do not represent the limit of tissue culture methodology.

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