Recent renal vascular surgery always involves some damage to the nerve supply of the kidney. The object of the study is to examine the function of totally denervated, auto-perfused rabbit kidneys, especially urea excretion and renal blood flow. The left kidneys have been used as the experimental ones because of their longer pedicles, the intact right kidneys being used for control purposes. The examination comprises 1. urea excretion expressed as urea reabsorption percentage (Ru), i. e. the percentage of the urea filtered in the glomeruli which returns to the blood during its subsequent passage through the kidney. 2. concentrating capacity and 3. renal blood flow. When transplanted, a kidney is subjected to three principal effects: 1. a total denervation, 2. a period of total anoxia, 3. a more or less pronounced stricture of the vessels. Special tests were aimed at examining the effects on Ru of renal anoxia and conventional “total” denervation of the kidney. These effects proved to be without significant importance. Perfusion of the kidney without severance of the pedicle resulted in a moderate though not definitively significant reduction of Ru values. However, in these experiments the calculated blood flows were significantly lower than the ones measured directly. When the kidney is perfused and the pedicle cut, Ru is considerably reduced, and the calculated RBF constitutes but a small percentage of that measured directly. In all experiments where the REF was measured directly, a definite relation between the urea reabsorption and the tubular function was demonstrated. The perfused kidney with cut pedicle showed a pronounced reduction of the concentrating capacity. The changes found in the function of the perfused kidney with cut pedicle are interpreted as an effect of the total denervation, which thus seems practicable only if the continuity of the vessels is completely interrupted. The relation between the tubular function and Ku indicates that the urea excretion is—at any rate partially—a regulated and not a perfectly passive process.