Acute Renal Failure in the Neonate Managed by Peritoneal Dialysis

ACUTE RENAL failure in infants beyond the newborn period and in older children has been well established and thoroughly discussed in recent years.1,2 Published data suggest that several perinatal conditions, including severe asphyxia, renal vein thrombosis, congenital urinary tract anomalies, septicemia, circulatory failure, cortical necrosis, and acute tubular necrosis may be responsible for this situation in the neonate.3 Peritoneal dialysis has been a valuable tool in the management of infants and small children with acute drug intoxications or with acute renal failure,4 but use of this procedure in the neonate has been reported in only two instances of acute renal failure.3,5 This report describes two newborn infants in whom successful temporary management of acute renal failure was accomplished using the technique of peritoneal dialysis. Report of Cases Case 1.—This 3,000 gm (6 lb 10 ounces) girl was the product of a 39 week pregnancy in a 38-year-old