Divergence of the Correlation Length along the Critical Isotherm

Three plausible postulates (rigorous for Ising systems) are shown to lead to three new inequalities: (i) (2η)μφ(δ1)δ, (ii)μφ2δ(d2+η), and (iii)dμφ(δ+1)δ, concerning μφ, the critical-point exponent characterizing the divergence along the critical isotherm of the correlation length ξφ(T,H)[Σr|r|2φC2(T,H,r)ΣrC2(T,H,r)]12φ. Result (iii) for μφ is an analog, for the critical isotherm, of the Josephson inequalities. If we make the plausible but unproved assumption that μφ is independent of φ, inequality (i) becomes an equality!