Clinical Evaluation of a Quaternary Ammonium‐Containing Mouthrinse

This was a double-blind, radomized, crossover study of adult subjects to evaluate the effect of a test mouthrinse (Cepacol) on plaque accumulation. The study was divided into two parts, four weeks each, one in which only a mouthwash was used (part I) and the other in which a mouthwash and toothbrushing were used (part II). 1. The test mouthrinse produced a satistically significant reduction in dental plaque when compared to a placebo rinse. 2. The GI averaged approximately 1.0 throughout the study regardless of which mouthrinse was used. 3. A possible carryover effect of the test mouthrinse was noted. 4. A lower plaque score was seen in 67 to 75% of all patients during the period in which the test mouthrinse was used as compared to the placebo. 5. Ten subjects reported a burning sensation of the tongue with the test mouthrinse. No objective adverse effects were seen.