Exponential temperature dependence of the electrical resistivity ofV3Si

We report the results and interpretation of precision measurements of the electrical resistivity of V3Si in the temperature range TcT77 K. Four samples of a wide range in residual resistance ratio (RRR) and with 15.1Tc16.8 K have been investigated. We find that the resistivity of all the samples is well described by a temperature dependence of the form ρ(T)=ρ0+bTn+dexp(T0T), where n falls within the range 1n2. The parameter d is sensitive to the RRR of the sample, whereas b and T0 are relatively insensitive. The characteristic temperature T0175 K is essentially independent of the choice of n within the stated range. A similar exponential term in ρ(T) of Nb3Sn with T085 K has previously been identified by Woodard and Cody. Nothing that in both V3Si and Nb3Sn the value of T0 corresponds to the energy of [100] TA phonons near the zone boundary, we argue that the exponential term is due either to phonon-assisted interband scattering or intraband umklapp scattering. The reasons for the scattering effectiveness of this phonon will be discussed in light of recent band-structure calculations by Mattheiss and previous band models proposed to explain the anomalous normal-state properties of A15 compounds. The nonexponential term in the resistivity is more difficult to characterize empirically and its origin is correspondingly more uncertain. We suggest it arises from intraband electron-electron scattering. The temperature dependence of the resistivity will be discussed with respect to anomalies observed in the low-temperature elastic constants, magnetic susceptibility, and specific heat of V3Si.

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