Numerical investigation of the flow properties of He II

In the framework of the reconnecting vortex-tangle model, flow properties of He II were studied numerically. The Crank-Nicolson method was used to calculate the motion of quantized He4 vortices, assuming smooth walls in infinitely long channels, applying periodic boundary conditions in the direction of the flow, and with friction coefficients α=0.1 and α’=0. Flow channels with square and circular cross sections and infinitely wide slits were studied. The superfluid velocity profile was assumed to be flat; the normal-component velocity profile was either flat or parabolic. Special interest was paid to the time-averaged line-length density and the average mutual-friction force density as functions of the difference between the average normal-fluid velocity and the externally applied superfluid velocity. The influence of the periodicity length on the calculated flow properties was determined. The results were compared with experiment.