Initiation of fatty acid synthesis in rat mammary glands

The rate of fatty acid synthesis from [6-14C]glucose in mammary tissue remained low until parturition at 22 days of gestation and increased 10-fold at 1 day post partum. Administration of progesterone on days 20 and 21 or removal of pups at parturition abolished this increase. In the latter case, administration of prolactin, corticosterone or oxytocin had no stimulatory effect; tissue from suckled glands in which the ducts were ligated at parturition also showed no increased rate in 24 h. Fetoplacentectomy on day 18 did not stimulate fatty acid synthesis, but subsequent suckling by foster pups did. Whereas lactose synthesis is initiated by withdrawal of progesterone from the circulation, a further stimulus related to removal of milk by suckling is required to initiate fatty acid synthesis.