Activation curves for the reactions B11(γ, 2p)Li9 and C12(γ, 3p)Li9 were obtained in the energy range 100-320 Mev. Targets of boron and carbon were exposed to the bremsstrahlung beam of the synchrotron and the yields of Li9 measured by counting the delayed neturons in a moderator-counter assembly surrounding the targets. The activation curves were analyzed by the photon difference method to obtain the cross-section curves as a function of energy. Both cross sections show a pronounced increase above 150 Mev, and have integrated values up to 320 Mev of 2.0±0.3 Mev-millibarns for the reaction B11(γ, 2p)Li9 and 0.31±0.05 Mev-millibarn for the reaction C12(γ, 3p)Li9.

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