Fourth-generation quarks and leptons

We study the production, decay, and detection of fourth-generation quarks and leptons at present and future hadron colliders. We use a plausible extension of the quark-mixing systematics of three generations. We consider a range of heavy-quark masses that include overlapping generations and superheavy quarks that decay to the W boson. One particularly intriguing possibility is a new charge 13 quark (v) with mass comparable to the t-quark mass. Hadronic vv production could exceed tt production, but there would be no substantial analog to the Wtb source. The vc decay would resemble tb decay in many respects, except that the v lifetime is long and might be measurable with microvertex detectors. We discuss how the cluster transverse mass, the identification of b and c hadrons, and possible diffractive leading-particle effects might differentiate between v and t semileptonic-decay signals. Electroweak W+W pair production is also evaluated as a benchmark with which superheavy-quark signals can be compared.