Culture and Slide Preparation of Leukocytes from Blood ofIMACACA

Leukocyte-rich plasma is recovered from monkey blood by centrifugation. Portions of the plasma are planted in a medium consisting of 70% NCTC 109, 10% F 10, 15% fetal bovine serum, 5% human cord serum, and phytohemagglutinin (0.1 ml/5.0 ml of medium). Incubation is 48–72 hr, followed by colchicine 24 hr, hypotonic treatment with water 1–1 1/4 hr, and fixation in absolute methanol-glacial acetic acid (3:1). Permanent spreads are made by ejecting drops of suspension onto iced slides and flame drying. Staining is done in cresyl violet acetate. Because of some inconsistencies encountered in the spreading of monkey cells, alternate methods have been suggested for trial until one is found that works uniformly for the technician.