Translocation of13N and11C between Nodulated Roots and Leaves in Alfalfa Seedlings

The positron-emitting isotopes of nitrogen and carbon, 13N and 11C, in the form of 13N2, N13O3 , N13H4+ and 11CO2 have been used successively on the same plant to investigate tracer movement between root nodules and shoots in young alfalfa seedlings. The mass flow profiles of 11C photosynthate appear similar in shape in both stem and root but differ in speed; the speed of movement is significantly slower in roots than in shoots (0·3 cm min−1 compared with 0·5 cm min−1) apparently in the phloem. Root nodules are sinks for the 11C label. 13N fixation occurred in <3 min in root nodules and was followed by export of 13N compounds in less than 30 min after presentation in strong light. Fixation seems to be dependent on photosynthate supply. 13N export from the root nodules was highly irregular in profile and not a simple steady-state mass flow. The speed of movement of 13N fixation compounds, N13O3 and N13H4+, suggests transport in the xylem, at rates of 6–12 cm min−1 acropetally both in root and shoot.