Approximate dynamical symmetry in lattice quantum chromodynamics

We discuss the phenomenological implications of an approximate SU(6)×SU(6)×U(1) symmetry of hadron physics which remains after dynamical symmetry breaking in the strong-coupling lattice gauge theory. This symmetry is similar to but differs in an essential fashion from previous versions of SU(6) × SU(6) × or SU(6)W. The difference resolves some of the problems of the older schemes—for example, although we obtain the "good" result μpμn=32, we avoid the "bad" result gAgV=53. We find that mesons are better approximated as irreducible representations of an SU(6)W than static SU(6). Vector mesons are pseudo-Goldstone bosons in our scheme, which explains why the sum rules for their masses should be written in terms of mass squared, like those of the pseudoscalars.