Comparison of the SRK II™ formula and other second generation formulas

A simple modification of the SRK formula was developed for use with extreme axial length cases (short and long eyes) to maximize prediction accuracy in these groups. For "average" eyes (over 75% of all cases), SRK needed no modifications to maintain maximum predictive accuracy. The new, modified SRK formula (SRK II) was compared with current second generation formulas and the Binkhorst formula. The SRK II formula, while maintaining the simplicity and ease of the SRK, was comparable to and in some cases superior to the other formulas. Overall, 80.0% of 2,068 posterior chamber intraocular lenses from seven different manufacturers demonstrated less than one diopter of prediction error and only 0.5% had three or more diopters of error. In short eyes (less than 22 mm), 74.0% were corrected to within one diopter and less than 2.0% had three or more diopters of error. In long eyes (greater than or equal to 24.5 mm), 78.0% of cases demonstrated less than one diopter of error and less than 1.0% had three or more diopters of error. Although the SRK II formula is incorporated in most new A-scan units, the modifications are so simple that surgeons can take the standard SRK predictions and mentally calculate the modifications for extreme cases.

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