Incidence of Adhesions in the True Pelvis after Pelviscopic Operative Treatment of Tubal Pregnancy

33 patients with tubal pregnancies, who had been treated by pelviscopy with organ preservation between 1978 until the beginning of 1988 have had follow-up examinations from within 4 months to 2 years after their first operation. In 15 (45%) of these 33 patients we found adhesions in the true pelvis on initial pelviscopy; these adhesions were lysed in all cases. During a second inspection of the abdominal cavity – either by laparotomy (Cesarean section; 4 patients) or by repelviscopy (29 patients) – mainly avascular, filmy adhesions on one or both adnexae were found in 17 cases (52%). The pelviscopic treatment of ectopic pregnancy does not completely prevent the development of postoperative adhesions. The concomitant pelviscopic adhesiolysis during the treatment of ectopic pregnancy reduces the degree of severity of the recurring adhesions.