Intermediate Coupling Shell Model forBe9

Energy levels, nuclear moments, and relative deuteron reaction cross sections are calculated for Be9 using a Rosenfeld central and a one-particle spin-orbit interaction. The level structure and the magnetic dipole moment are sensitive functions of the magnitude of the spin-orbit interaction. The best fit to the experimentally found spectrum is given at a value aK=1.7 for the intermediate coupling parameter of Inglis and at K=1.33 Mev for the Slater integral parameter. The 2.43-Mev state, in particular, is predicted to be 52. The observed magnetic moment is fitted either in extreme jj coupling or once again at aK=1.7. Certain relative cross sections in the reactions B10(n, d)Be9 and B10(p, d)B9 are calculated and found to be in agreement with experiment.