Vibrational deactivation of oxygen ions in low velocity 02+(X2Πg,υ=1)+02(X 3Σg−,υ=0) collisions

The deactivation of 02+(X 2Πg, υ=1) ions in collisions with 02(X 3Σg,υ=0) molecules has been examined using multistate impact parameter eikonal and orbital treatments. Cross sections for the formation of various product states in the charge exchange and direct scattering channels have been computed for ions with 0.5 to 8.0 eV c.m. kinetic energies. The relative probabilities for forming products in given vibrational states at the higher kinetic energies are similar for the eikonal and orbital approaches. At energies below several eV it is necessary to employ the multistate orbital treatment which takes explicit account of the strong ion–molecule scattering. Cross sections for reaction channels leading to de‐excitation and/or excitation of the product 02+(X 2Πg,v=1) ions have been computed for both charge exchange and direct scattering processes. The channels leading to vibrationally deactivated 02+(X 2Πg, v=0) product ions are strongly favored at low velocities over the excitation processes in the charge exchange as well as in the direct scattering channels.