Patterns of Pancreatic Secretion in the Anaesthetised Guinea Pig Following Stimulation with Secretin, Cholecystokinin Octapeptide, or Bombesin

The guinea pig is frequently used for studies of the cellular mechanisms of pancreatic secretion. Despite this, little is known about the control of pancreatic secretion in this species. To remedy this omission, we have studied the effects of secretin, cholecystokinin (CCK) octapeptide, and bombesin on the secretion of fluid, electrolytes, and amylase in the anaesthetised guinea pig. While the actions of secretin were similar to those in other species, the actions of CCK were not. As well as stimulating amylase release, CCK evoked a marked fluid secretion whose electrolyte composition differed little from that evoked by secretin. Bombesin had actions similar to those of CCK. It is suggested that this fluid secretion is derived from pancreatic acini. Whether a similar secretory component exists in other species (including humans), albeit as a minor component, needs to be determined.