The calculations were based on Sachs' phenomenological theory and on the independent particle model. Spin exchange moments were not included. Uncertainties in the parameters required to characterize the shell dimensions and the neutron-proton interaction, which was assumed to be of an entirely exchange nature, cause the calculated values to be uncertain by a factor of about 3; they are probably too large. For LS coupling, the values found in the 1p shell for P2 states for Li7, Be9, B11, C13, and N15, and in the 1d shell for D2 states for Ne21, Na23, Cl37, and K39 were -0.04, -0.01, 0.1, 0.05, 0.1, -0.4, -0.1, 0.4, and 0.4 nuclear Bohr magnetons, respectively. For jj coupling, the values found for B11(p32)1, C13(p12), and N15(p12) were 0.2, -0.09, and 0.1, respectively. The signs and ratios of these values are such as to lead to the conclusion that the simple models used here cannot be brought into agreement with the data by the addition of space exchange contributions alone. The magnitudes are nevertheless reasonably large in some cases, and indicate that they must be included in any consistent theory of nuclear magnetic moments.