Effect of Hypophysectomy on Liver Nucleoproteins.

Liver from hypophysectomized Sprague-Dawley rats has an increased DNA/average nucleus. The control liver had 9.05 [plus or minus] .135 x 10-9 mg/DNA/nucleus, whereas liver nuclei from hypophysectomized rats contained 10-17 [plus or minus] .189 x 10-9 mg/DNA. Microspectrophotometric analysis revealed that Class I (diploid nuclei) increased from 21%. in control rats to 28% in the hypophysectomized animals, Class II (tetraploid nuclei) fell from 70% to 50%, and Class III (octaploid nuclei) increased from 8% to 21%. There was no change in the DNA content in any of the 3 ploidy classes as a result of hypophysectomy.