Association of Artifacts with Mammoth in the Valley of Mexico

In the past 30 years discoveries of great importance in the prehistory of Mexico have been made in the vicinity of Tepexpan, a town some 35 kms. northeast of Mexico City. Diaz Lozano (1922-23, 1927) disinterred a mammoth identified as Mammuthus (Archidisko-don) imperator Leidy, whiah is now seen partially mounted in the entrance hall of the Instituto Geologico de Mexico. Mullerried (1933, 1934) collected teeth and bones of the ground sloth Mylodon harlani Owen on lands of the Colonia Estrella on the northern side of Mexico City near the old exit road to Pachuca, which continues on to Tepexpan and Teotihuacan. Both Diaz Lozano and Mullerried simply described the sequence of strata at the fossil localities, mentioning the nature and depth of the deposits, but without applying specific names to the formations.