Crystalline SiSe2 and SixSe1x glasses: Syntheses, glass formation, structure, phase separation, and Raman spectra

Crystalline SiSe2 and a series of SixSe1x clear yellow-orange glasses (0.33<x0.4) were synthesized and studied by Raman spectroscopy. Spectra of crystals were analyzed in terms of the known crystal structure of SiSe2 whereas for the glasses a new cross-linked chain-cluster model (CLCC) is proposed and is the basis for extensive spectral analysis. Extended chain-only and random-network models are inconsistent with the data. The CLCC model is characterized by well-defined chains of edge-sharing (SiSe4) tetrahedra, as in the crystal, which are cross-linked via corner-sharing (SiSe4) tetrahedra to form very large, highly viscous inorganic polymers. The structure has extensive medium-range order and provides for a self-consistent mechanism for transition to nonstoichiometric glasses in the range SiSe2 to Si2 Se3. The smooth transition to various compositions is readily monitored through spectral changes in the Si-Se vibrational stretching region (150—300 cm1) and in the region of the collective modes at lower frequency (0—150 cm1).

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