Examination of the role of endopeptidase in Aβ secretion by human transfected cells

1. We have taken advantage of our recent development of highly potent and specific phosphinic inhibitors of endopeptidase to examine the putative contribution of the enzyme in the secretion of A beta by HK293 transfected cells overexpressing the wild type and the Swedish (Sw) double mutated form of beta APP751. 2. First, we showed that HK293 cells contain a peptidase activity, the inhibition profile of which fully matches that of purified endopeptidase Second, we established that the treatment of HK293 cells with specific phosphinic inhibitors leads to about 80% inhibition of intracellular endopeptidase activity, indicating that these inhibitors penetrate the cells. 3. Metabolic labelling of wild type and Sw beta APP751-expressing cells, followed by immunoprecipitation of A beta-containing peptides, revealed the secretion of A beta and the intracellular formation of an A beta-containing 12 kDa product. 4. A beta secretion by Sw beta APP751 transfected cells was drastically enhanced when compared to cells expressing wild type beta APP751. This production was not affected by endopeptidase inhibitors in either cell type. This correlates well with the observation that endopeptidase does not cleave recombinant baculoviral Sw beta APP751, in vitro. 5. Our previous data indicated that endopeptidase activity was reduced in the parietal cortex of Alzheimer's disease affected brains and that the enzyme probably participated, in this brain area, to the catabolism of somatostatin 1-14. However, the present work indicates that endopeptidase does not seem to behave as a beta-secretase in HK293 transfected cells. Therefore, it is suggested that endopeptidase could participate in the symptomatology, but probably not in the aetiology of Alzheimer's disease.