The Molonglo Observatory Transient Event Recorder

In its normal synthesis mode of operation, the Molonglo Observatory Synthesis Telescope (MOST) tracks a region of sky for a period of 12 hours with 64 real-time fan beams having high sensitivity at 843 MHz (Mills 1981). It thus provides an excellent opportunity to monitor the sky at the same time for transient radio events. During a 12 hour synthesis observation the fan beams rotate 180° on the field. Thus any sources producing occasional radio transients can be located by analysing the positions of the beams on which the events are recorded. Futhermore, by rejecting events which occur simultaneously on non-adjacent beams, local terrestrial sources of impulsive interference may be eliminated. This technique for recognizing extra-terrestrial sources was of considerable value in the first Molonglo pulsar search when only two beams were used.

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