The energy turnover in contracting skeletal muscle was studied by measuring the rate of temperature rise during voluntary, isometric contractions and circulatory arrest in M. soleus, M. sacrospinalis and M. biceps brachii in 14 males, by thermoelements inserted in the muscles. A linear relationship between rate of temperature rise and force intensity given as per cent of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) was demonstrated in biceps (r=0.95), but not so clearly confirmed in soleus (r=0.73). Muscle biopsies were taken from the same muscles and fibre type distribution was determined histochemically by staining for ATPase. The rate of heat production at MVC showed positive correlation to the percentage of fast twitch (FT) fibres in the muscles (r=0.90). Linear extrapolation indicates that the maximal energy turnover in human FT fibres is approximately six times that of slow twitch (ST) fibres during voluntary isometric contractions.