It is shown that all the K2π decays are forbidden in the limit of complete SU3 symmetry of strong interactions, provided only (a) that both K and π mesons belong to the same octet and (b) that the nonleptonic decay interactions belong to the CP-invariant representation (the irreducible representation whose Y=Q=0 members are CP-invariant). This is more general than the conclusion of Cabibbo and Gell-Mann. In their proof, the nonleptonic decay Lagrangian is assumed to belong to a CP-invariant octet. This result suggests that the observed large decay rate of K102π decay is due to the symmetry-breaking interactions and its large Q value. Finally, a brief comment is given concerning the (K102π)(K+2π) puzzle in the ΔI=12 rule. It is shown that, if one assumes the ΔI=12 rule in addition to the above hypothesis (b), the K±2π decay can occur only through the electromagnetic corrections and its effective decay Lagrangian should belong to the representations 10 and 1¯0¯.

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