The Electroretinogram of a Diurnal Gecko

Using the electroretinogram as the criterion of retinal activity the flicker fusion frequency, course of dark adaptation, and spectral sensitivity of the pure cone retina of the diurnal gecko, Phelsuma inunguis, were investigated. Both the curve relating flicker fusion frequency to stimulus intensity and that relating the amplitude of the flicker response to stimulus intensity showed a break as the intensity was increased. The dark adaptation curve was that typical of cone retinae; there was no break, adaptation was relatively rapid, and there was a total increase of sensitivity of only about 3 log units. The spectral sensitivity curve showed two maxima, a major one at about 560 mµ and another at about 460 mµ. Chromatic adaptation with red and blue lights demonstrated the presence of two independent mechanisms. Although red adaptation could not have had a direct effect on the pigment responsible for the "blue" mechanism the sensitivity of this mechanism was depressed by red adaptation. The possible relationships of the two mechanisms are discussed.