The inflorescence of Lycopersicum esculentum is a racemose cyme bearing 7-12 flowers. The floral organs are developed in a low spiral of 4 turns around the receptacle. The 6 primordia of the calyx develop successively in a clockwise manner. The succeeding cycles develop similarly except that each altercates with the preceding cycle. Each calyx and corolla lobe, each stamen, and each carpel are supplied with 1 bundle from the vascular cylinder in the receptacle. The calyx and corolla consist of short tubes surmounted by 6 lobes. The stamens are connivent and form a cone around the pistil, appearing as if inserted on the throat of the corolla, but their primordia are first free from the corolla. Dehiscence is introrsely longitudinal. The pistil is composed of 6 united carpels.