In eastern Africa between 1951 and 1955 and in south-western Morocco in 1960, orientations and densities of flying locusts in migrating swarms of Schistocerca gregaria Forsk. were recorded photographically, with supplementary visual observations. The densities ranged from 0·0006 to 1·23 locusts/m3 (mean spacing between nearest locusts 12 and 1 m, respectively) with a median value of 0·024 locusts/m3; in 50% of the samples mean spacing was 2–4 m, suggesting a preferred distance of that order. The orientations were affected by gregarious reactions to neighbouring fliers, and to locusts in a mass. In the swarms there was a preponderance of streaming groups in which locusts headed in the same general direction; in about half of these groups the angular deviation about the mean orientation was only ±20°. In comparatively dense swarms the orientations of the lower fliers in the interiors of swarms were diverse and random in relation to wind and to the swarm track. But at the leading, the trailing and the lateral edges they were predominantly into the swarm, as the result of observed changes of headings back towards the swarm in locusts flying out beyond the main mass. The orientations of locusts photographed at about 100 m and 200–400 m above the ground were found to be predominantly in the direction of the swarm track, i.e., with wind; it is suggested that they arose from compensatory optomotor responses to retinal velocities of substrate patterns, and are consistent with Kennedy's hypothesis of optomotor orientation to wind. Among lower-flying locusts such responses appeared to become important in diffuse formations and in strong winds. Thus flight on consistently into-wind courses was repeatedly seen in low-flying diffuse formations of sexually mature locusts migrating in light winds. In stronger winds the orientations of lower fliers in all types of swarms suggested responses to unacceptable retinal velocities, which interfered with the into-the-swarm orientations on the swarm edges; the continued cohesion of swarms may thus require a wind profile in which they are not evoked below a certain level. In persistent strong wind in excess of locusts' air speeds, flight activity was reduced, and swarms exhibited low into-wind flight by locusts in small numbers. It is suggested that the characteristic downwind tracks of discrete immature swarms are set primarily by the downwind orientations of their higherflying members. In sexually mature swarms the downwind displacements are probably performed mainly by the denser and the higher-rising swarms, while the into-wind flights of low diffuse formations would slow down movement, and could result in limited displacement up-wind.