The microwave spectrum of 17O12CH2 has been observed using high‐resolution microwave spectroscopy. The 17O nuclear‐quadrupole coupling constants and spin—rotation constants have been obtained. The results are Xaa=−1.89±0.01, Xbb=12.37±0.01, Xcc=−10.48±0.01, Maa=0.371±0.01, Mbb=0.025±0.01, and Mcc=−0.002±0.01 Mc/sec. The K=1 and K=2 series of rotational transitions were studied in an attempt to observe a K‐dependent field gradient with no success. The 16O13CH2 spectra were also observed under high resolution with no splitting observed due to the 13C spin—rotation interaction. An upper limit on Maa for 13C in 16O13CH2 can be given as | 10.170 | Mc/sec. The spin—rotation constants are interpreted by a localized theory and the change in the average value of 1/r3 with ionic character is discussed.