Nuclear Matrix Elements in the First-Forbidden Beta Decay of theEu152Ground State

The degree of circular polarization Pc(θβγ) and the directional correlation W(θβγ)=1+A2(W)P2(cosθβγ) were measured in the 3(1.49MeV β)2+(0.344MeV γ)0+βγ cascade leading from the ground state of Eu152 to the Sm152 ground state. The angle θβγ is the angle between the β and γ momentum vectors. Representative values of Pc(θβγ) measured at W¯=3.20 (in units mc2) for some average angles θ¯βγ are: Pc(90°)=0.01±0.09, Pc(130°)=+0.33±0.07, Pc(157°)=0.33±0.07, Pc(171°)=0.24±0.10. Some representative values of the directional correlation coefficient A2(W) are: A2(2.8)=0.335±0.006, A2(3.15)=0.363±0.006, A2(3.4)=0.381±0.005, A2(3.7)=0.388±0.004. The data were analyzed on an electronic digital computer on the basis of the Kotani parameters Y, u, x, and z. Information obtained about the nuclear matrix parameters may be summarized as follows: Y=0.70±0.20, x=0.125±0.06, u=0.125±0.06, z=1.0. Taken jointly with the ft value of the 1.49-MeV β transition these parameters yield the nuclear matrix elements: BijR=±(2.9±0.4)×103, rR=±(4.3±2.3)×104, io×rR=±(3.6±1.9)×104, iα=±(2.5±1.1)×104, where R is the nuclear radius of Eu152 in units of ħ/mc. These results reveal the importance of Bij relative to the other nuclear matrix elements which contribute to the decay. The experimental value of the matrix element ratio iαr agrees with the prediction of the conserved vector current theory of beta decay.