Digestion of the fifth component of complement by eosinophil lysosomal enzymes

Recently our laboratory has shown that neutrophils contain enzymatic activity within their lysosomal granules which will generate chemotactic activity for neutrophils and tumor cells from the fifth component of complement (C5). We have now expanded this initial observation and have demonstrated that eosinophils can release enzymatic activity from their lysosomal granules upon stimulation with immune complexes or opsoninized zymosan, but not with C5a or synthetic chemotactic peptides. Furthermore, the enzymatic activity released from the eosinophil lysosomal granules can cleave C5 into eosinophil-specific chemotactic activity. The generation of the eosinophil chemotactic activities from C5 is blocked by prior treatment of the eosinophil preparations with a number of protease inhibitors. The eosinophil-derived C5 cleaving activity possesses a pH optimum of 7.2, thus suggesting the enzymatic activity is a neutral protease. The demonstration that enzyme activities derived from eosinophils have the ability to generate eosinophil chemotactic factor(s) from C5 may explain why eosinophils are the predominant inflammatory cell in both nasal polyps and in the nasopharynx and bronchi of patients with allergic conditions such as hay fever and asthma.